How we turned 15 AdTech specialists into LinkedIn thought leaders in 6 months and attracted key partners
Hey there! I’m Marianna Inozemtseva, and I build Social Selling projects in-house. Currently I'm in charge of promoting employees' LinkedIn profiles for an international AdTech corporation.

By boosting their professional brands, we’ve helped them connect with several major players in their target regions. Here, I’ll share how this all comes together.
The client: a company in the advertising industry, focusing on growth in Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East. Due to NDA restrictions, I can’t disclose the company’s name, but I can share the results achieved by my team.

The employees I assist: Business Development Managers, "bizdevs." Their goal is to build relationships with new partners.
Goal: revamp bizdevs' LinkedIn profiles to attract partners organically
At the start of the project, all the participants had already had LinkedIn profiles. They actively built business connections in new regions through participation in local events and other marketing activities. However, the target audience was largely still unfamiliar with the company’s brand and products.

The company’s products are complex. For partners to engage, they needed to have confidence in the expertise of the managers and the reliability of the company. The challenge was to quickly establish trust and position each bizdev as a magnet for new contacts.
Result: After 4 months, all participants reported, "Yes, new contacts are coming in much faster!"
I assembled a team of three editors, and together we:
  • Optimized employee profiles to appear in LinkedIn Recommendations and Searches.
  • Developed individual content strategies for each business developer’s goals.
  • Established a regular posting schedule to ensure the company and its products consistently appeared in the feeds of the target audience.
  • Familiarized employees with platform nuances and taught them how to maximize their potential.
Thanks to the project, half of the participant profiles received Top Professional Voice badges in a month, further increasing trust among new connections.
  • SSI: 60

    Average rating of project participants' pages. The industry average is 34.
  • 128 000

    Organic reach of all project’s posts per 1 month now. At the start, there were 16,000. As the reach grows, brand awareness among the target audience increases.
  • х2

    The number of profiles we manage has doubled, now totaling 30. The project delivers business results, prompting its expansion.
How We Did It
We optimized the profiles. The better a profile is filled out, the quicker people decide if they want to add its owner to their contacts. In our case, it was crucial to immediately demonstrate that the business developer:
  • represents a valuable product
  • and a really big reputable company;
  • is well acquainted with the potential partner’s region and business sector.
Now, our profiles appear in the search results by role and attract organic traffic. This is important to us because partners' business developers are searching for new contacts with just the same objectives and for the same reasons as ours.

Moreover, LinkedIn suggests high-quality profiles in various Recommendations and boosts their content in its algorithmic feed.
We analyzed our competitors, and, pleased with the results, enhanced our strategy. Using the LinkedIn Sales Navigator, we collected all active pages of business developers and salespeople from 32 companies with similar target audiences. With a custom-written bot, we studied their activity.

We gained several ideas for future content and a comprehensive overview of our target audience’s information landscape. It became clear that only few competitors take their LinkedIn presence seriously.
We've set up regular content production. During the initial calls, I gather information for the profile and ideas for content. Subsequently, the details for posts are collected in whatever way is most convenient for the expert: via Telegram chat or regular Zoom calls.

We aim at four posts per month for each profile. The main limitation here is the experts' availability. Since the posts are based on their real-life experience and are published on their pages, we cannot publish anything without their input and approval.

And anyway, if employees start posting every day like some Instagram course sellers, people begin to doubt their actual profession. We don’t want to come off as "all talk and no action."

Some of the experts write the posts themselves, and this number is increasing. This is a particular source of pride for us because almost no one wrote anything before the project started.
Yes, there are lead generation agencies that churn out posts without the page owner’s involvement. Leads do come in, but not from the content. It’s all just cold outreach and mass messaging.

Our goal is different: to present business developers as professionals and teach them how to develop their pages. Then, we can also initiate messaging—relevant and friendly. No spamming.
A post by one of the project participants about a trip to Beijing attracted five invitations from potential partners for office visits and coffee. Four people from target companies reached out to connect after reading another post about hiring an employee for a complex product.

Posts about product updates bring in new partners and messages from existing ones: "Wow, we had no idea! It’s great that you shared this!"
We inspired experts to engage in the game and earn Top Voice badges for their profiles. LinkedIn has this feature — collective articles. The platform’s editorial team invites experts to comment on various professional topics.

If your contribution gains the top 5% of likes, you get the Top Voice badge. Friend requests from profiles with this badge are accepted 5−10% more frequently.
The Top Leadership Development Voice badge adds credibility to a leader’s page
Top Negotiation Voice. It’s a good badge for a business development expert
Top Problem Solving Voice. Also looks great on a leader’s profile
We are constantly expanding the audience of our pages by helping the bizdevs send connection requests. We compile lists of relevant contacts based on advanced searches through events, companies, roles, and other factors.

We have enabled automatic friend requests for several profiles with a broader audience. However, this approach is impractical for most business developers in our project, as their audiences are very niche and require manual engagement.
What's next
In late December, six HR professionals and a top manager with their team joined the project. In January, we will start developing promotion strategies for them.

Now, our list of goals looks like this:
  • Attract new business partners (leads).
  • Promote the company’s brand in the target countries.
  • Enhance the HR brand among the world’s top AdTech specialists
If you have goals on LinkedIn that you would like to discuss, please message me on Telegram or LinkedIn